
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another move to another room!

So the room is finally finished and it's time to make the move from the outside room into the newly built garage room.  I moved my single rack in and then began the building stages of a new much much bigger rack. I had the room I finally needed so I decided to get started.  I was going to build a three tub wide and five or six tub tall rack.  So this rack would would either hold 15 or 18 tubs in it depending how much room I left between the levels for air flow.
Here's the beginning stage of the new rack.  I went with smaller hardware cloth on this level because I wanted to keep African Soft Furs and also mice in this level and they needed the smaller hardware cloth.  Once I got the level done I added it onto some legs and moved it in the room.

Here is the beginning of the new rack next to the first small rack.  As you can see the walls are fairly shotty and ugly but the rats don't care what they look like, it keeps the temperature in there what I need it to be and that's all I'm worried about.

A view through the doorway into the room.  A little blurry but you get the idea.  plenty of open room and space to grow!

I got this first level in and running and then about a week later I added the second level to the rack.

Now that I had the room I started to expand rather quickly.  At this point all eight tubs were completely filled and I had more babies about ready to come that I had to make room for.  I was slammed at work, the baby and girlfriend were also taking up a lot of time so I had to pull some long nights to get the next level added but it was definitely worth it in the long run.

I got three levels on, my small rack, and even more room to grow.  Everything is looking good and I'm starting to get customers that are wanting weekly orders.  I had a request between all the customers for over 300 rats a week.  I wasn't able to produce these numbers just yet but I was definitely trying.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The big project begins!

So this will be mainly a photo post to show the progress on the room and everything that was done. I left you last with a messy cluster f*ck of a garage.  This would be the beginning of a long big project.

This is the beginning, the garage corner is starting to get cleaned up.  I still had a lot of work ahead of me but luckily my dad was willing to lend a hand any time he could.  After cleaning the debris and all the junk out of the corner I now had to remove the shelving.

Once the shelving was removed it was starting to look more promising.

 What's a room without insulation?  We insulated heavy, not too heavy that it would be ineffective but as much as we could while keeping it working properly.

I came home from work and the lumber fairy had dropped off some wood to begin putting up walls and a ceiling.

 After all the wall insulation was in place and secured we started putting in a ceiling using the pre-existing rafters for the garage roof.

It's starting to finally come together and get me excited for what's to come next!

Got some studs up and finally getting the real layout of the room.

I went to work, came home and saw this.  Apparently my dad thought it would be a nice surprise to finish the room for me.  I didn't complain one bit :-P