Size of the room I had my snakes and rats in. |
I've lost half my stock now, I've got a cold room filled with ammonia, and I've just lost all hope and drive to continue doing what I am doing. It's quite sad but the whole situation got me depressed and I was ready to just give with all of it and be done. It would have been much easier but in the end I knew it wouldn't be what I really wanted so I sat down laid all my thoughts and ideas out and just started brainstorming. The only good news coming out of all this sadness is that my female ball pythons went off feed (which is a good sign they are ready to be paired with males) which meant that I may be looking at some eggs very very soon. I was slightly optimistic but I didn't want to get my hopes up so I decided I needed to first scale down the rat breeding. I sold off everything I had except for two females and one male which would be enough to feed my snakes for the time. I figured I would keep everything small until spring/summer came when I could open the door and get better air flow going. It was a very slow few months as I waited for the warm, not much happened except for pairing my males to my female balls for three days then moved them back to their own tubs for three days, then back and forth, rinse and repeat. At this point now my female ball pythons are starting to get fat and I start to get as giddy as a school girl. Finally what I had wanted for so long was starting to happen. My whole journey was about this, breeding my snakes, getting some eggs and watching the eggs hatch. I don't think I could be any happier at this point and I'm sitting on top of the world! I get a call the next day from my girlfriend and she shares some news with me that changed my life. Turns out we are pregnant! I was elated and this was just the icing on the cake. New baby with my gf, about to have snake eggs, rats are finally done dying off it was good news all around. Again I get some bad news to rain on my parade. My girlfriend who wasn't too fond of snakes to begin with is now freaking out about having a baby in the house along with multiple snakes on the property, this was a war for the ages! I put up a long hard fight to keep my snakes but in the end I couldn't put my snakes ahead of my girlfriend and our soon to be baby so I caved and did the last thing I wanted to do. I put all my snakes up for sale and watched all the e-mails and calls come in with questions about my deal.
Four of the snakes moved in for their last two weeks. |
After what seemed like 1000 e-mails and 500 calls I finally found a buyer that was willing to take my snakes as a group. I was allowed to move them inside for their last two weeks with me before being sold. I set up a time to meet with him and decide on a fair price and then the count down starts :(
Congratulations on the baby! I'm sorry to hear you had to give up your snakes for it though. :(
ReplyDeleteThanks, it was for the better though. So happy to have the baby in my life I couldn't be any happier =D